Gentili clienti dal mese di maggio abbiamo concluso la nostra attività presso la Taverna Caffè Villa De Riseis. A presto



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Univet For Il Sogno di Aurora

Today we want to tell you a story about a charity project whose values have always been Univet’s core values. Our mangers, as a delegation of the whole team, took the challenge to realize a sensorial garden for the Alzheimer: the project, which had been forgotten for a too long time, is now coming back to life. We started from the idea to build a path because we know that looking for you own way it’s the first step to reach great goals and because we know that there are no limits in this life, they are only in our minds. But we are only at the beginning and we can’t wait to work hard to make the garden the amazing place that it deserves to be! Stay tuned, we’ll soon tell you more about it.

Pubblicato da Univet - Optical Technologies su Venerdì 27 ottobre 2017
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